Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kirk's Grajumacation and Birthday

Sunday was a trifecta sort of day. First, Kirk celebrated his 25th birthday. Second, Kirk graduated from UC Davis and finally we all celebrated Fathers' Day along with the Kirk celebrations. We started out with a lovely luncheon served next to the Environmental Sciences building. We met a number of Kirk's professors and some other Hydrology students.

Erin arrived toward the end of the luncheon - but in time for a tasty lunch. Jeremiah, Ali and the kids arrived in time for the ceremony. We all had to wait for a while but the graduates all showed up in their black hats and dresses. Ben and Paige were good examples for the other spectators around us.

Sorry, this is an action shot of Kirk as his name is read. You can see the official photo on display in the family room graduation gallery in just a few weeks.

We were all glad when it was over. Although I must say the speaker was quick, to the point and quite positive. The siblings posed for a moment in graduation time.

We went to Oz Korean Barbeque on Bradshaw Rd. to celebrate. Kirk was our main chef for the evening. The food was delicious. We celebrated the Graduation, sang happy birthday to Kirk and honored Jeremiah and me with a very sweet gathering. This tops off yesterday's event at the Sacramento Temple where Carrie was endowed. Several members of her family plus Shanna and I attended the session.

We had a fantastic week end and look forward to our reunion on June 19.


Sara said...

OK- Just a couple of things:
1) Congrats Kirk. I love your tie.
2) Could Ben possibly be any cuter?
3) Erin- how is it possible that you and I have the EXACT SAME haircut?

Can't wait to see you all.

Snooze said...

Congratulations!! Kirk - I'm so proud! I am so sorry I wasn't there.

Erin said...

Sara - because you've secretly always wanted to be just like me.