Monday, April 20, 2009

Beach Day!!!!

When the temperature reaches 101 degrees on April 20 in the Valley, there's only one thing to do- that would be to GET THE HECK OUT! And go to Zuma, of course. It was our first beach trip in quite some time, so the kids were stoked, to say the least. Unfortunately, Carissa and Lee had to go to school. ( I guess there are some advantages to being a stay-at-home-mom, right??)

As usual, there were lots of dolphins passing by pretty much the whole time. They were fairly close. Today we even saw a whale that wasn't too much further out than this. That was pretty cool! Derek, of course, headed straight for the waves.

He was "doing his moves".

He was pretty excited.

Grayson was fairly busy playing with his ladybug...

and digging in the sand.

There was a lot of "sand throwing" at each other

And plenty of boogie board action.

(And yes, I know that those shorts are too small.)

Way to go Derek! No fear this year. Except, of course, for the "meat eating crabs that keep grabbing my feet in the water."
Unfortunately, we had to come home at some time to our triple digit spring.


Ali said...

Nice guys! I wish we were at Zuma with you right now - I'm seriously sweating. Love the sweet moves Derek! Maybe we can do a beach day in the beginning of May?

momsteed said...

Thanks for posting these great pictures, Sara! And the Monterey trip looked like a wonderful time, except maybe, for Lee. We love seeing all you're up to.

Diana said...

Oh so jealous--Marc flew in for the weekend, told me how warm it was and I was immediately homesick as I was stuck in a snow storm here with the boys. Maybe someday soon we'll be able to hit the beach up with you guys again.

Mireille said...

That looks like so much fun. I wish we had a cool beach to go to with dolphins and whales. But that's not going to happen in land-locked CO. We'll just have to come out and visit.