We were able to take out annual Sunset State Beach camping trip to the Santa Cruz / Monterey / Carmel area a couple weeks ago and we couldn't have chosen a better week! It was gorgeous weather. Usually we get rained on, but not this time! We even had Jena, Jesse and Janie come with us and we got to borrow Dad's Rig (aka the van and trailer). It was very comfy!
To view all the pictures from the trip you can check them out here: http://byu.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2165854&l=27093&id=17822834
Here are some of the highlights of our trip!
The beach at Sunset. We were all alone and it was a gorgeous day, just a little windy. But that didn't deter us! We played in sand, found shells, Ben took a nap in his stroller, played frisbee, etc. Paige and Jena even went in the water!
Ben and Jeremiah enjoying the beach.
Sunset at the lookout
Miss Paige - isn't she cute?!
It was a great way to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary!
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