Jeremiah and his brother went in half-sies to buy a broken snowmobile that just needed a $15 part. It is not that old, and they knew they could fix it - so $125 later we share joint custody of - The Arctic Cat. We took it up to Ice House last Wednesday after we had a big storm dump a couple of feet of powder to test it out. After Jeremiah and his Dad had to tinker with it for about an hour, they got it up and running perfectly! It was so fun! And lots of powder to play in.
Driving into Ice House. It was a winter wonderland!
There she blows. Ice House was frozen in certain spots, but we did see some guys taking their boat out. I couldn't believe it!

The road to Wright's Lake. You can see the stop sign on the left. Wouldn't it be fun to take snowmobiles back there?!
There's the Artic Cat, parked right where we went sledding last year. That is the parking lot we parked our cars in. The gate we walked through is at the left side of this picture.

On our ride Jeremiah got an icy beard! It was sooooo cold!

Paige LOVED the snow this year. Remember last year when she DID NOT want to put on her gloves and she spent most of the day playing inside the van? Well this year she was ready to go! She loved going on the snowmobile with Daddy and had a great time playing in the snow with Grandma Judy and Mommy. I'm so glad!

If Ben could speak, I imagine he would say something like: "Dude. Are you kidding me? Why are we here in the freezing snow?" Luckily he was able to stay warm in front of the 2 heaters we brought. Worth their weight in gold!

Ben actually enjoyed himself. He got towed around on the sled with Paige and didn't fuss at all! Perhaps because Grandma Judy snuggled with him most of the day, he was just pleased with the whole experience.
Please disregard my gay stance, but that is the dam in the background and part of the lake frozen.
On our ride Jeremiah got an icy beard! It was sooooo cold!
Paige LOVED the snow this year. Remember last year when she DID NOT want to put on her gloves and she spent most of the day playing inside the van? Well this year she was ready to go! She loved going on the snowmobile with Daddy and had a great time playing in the snow with Grandma Judy and Mommy. I'm so glad!
If Ben could speak, I imagine he would say something like: "Dude. Are you kidding me? Why are we here in the freezing snow?" Luckily he was able to stay warm in front of the 2 heaters we brought. Worth their weight in gold!
Ben actually enjoyed himself. He got towed around on the sled with Paige and didn't fuss at all! Perhaps because Grandma Judy snuggled with him most of the day, he was just pleased with the whole experience.
If anyone makes it up to Placerville before the snow melts, let's do this again! And hey, when Steed Family - Denver Version is up and running, I think a little Colorado winter trip with snowmobiles would be awesome!
coooooooool!! I wish I was there.
It looks so beautiful.
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