Sunday, September 7, 2008

Boys in Hats

The boys really weren't excited about getting their picture taken with the hats, but I had to document the cuteness.

Look at Evan's eyes, they're so beautiful.
GO BUCKS! Brady's really looking forward to the OSU/USC game as he raises the roof.

Hopefully it's not too embarrassing for either team. We'll just have to see...


Ali said...

Cute! I can't believe I will be there on Thursday night!! Evan is such a mini-Brett. I can't wait to see you guys!

kirk and carrie said...

So cute! Evan's eyes are mesmerizing. Brady is such a big boy I never really got to see him (or anyone for that matter) while you were all in town.

momsteed said...

And we'll be there on he 1st! Can't wait to see those beautiful boys---oh, and you, too, Brett and Mireille!

Snooze said...

what darling boys. It's just too bad that Brady will be rooting for the wrong team on Saturday... JK, jk. It is going to be an exciting game! I'm nervous just thinking about it!!