Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School! ! First Day of School!!

There are several reasons that I'm happy that Carissa's at a new school. First, it starts at 8:15, which is 15 minutes later than her old school started. Believe me, 15 minutes in the morning with these kids is like 10 hours. It also afforded me the opportunity to leisurely take carefully posed pictures in the front yard, instead of the chaotic screaming to "Get in the car!! The traffic gets worse by the second!!!"

Note the relaxed demeanor and (despite having been vomiting non-stop 36 hours previous to this) the lack of stress on this girls face.Please let the record show that everyone is happy here. No punches, kicks, sippy cups, toys or insults being hurled. The second reason I love this school. A mere one mile from the house. Two bridges over ditches, a pleasant walk up tranquil Mayall Street, and an exciting dash down Balboa blvd. past In-n-Out, and we're there. Took us about 20 minutes.
Third, because this is the #1 school in LA Unified, everything went very smoothly, people werehelpful, and parents and children were well behaved. So, so far so good. We're excited to see how Carissa's year goes with Mrs. Matsushita.

Derek also had his first day of Kindergarten Enrichment class with teacher Laurie. I'm glad my innocent 4 year old's outfit of choice is skulls and cross bones. Really reinforces the values we teach here at home.This is what Grayson thought of all this action.


Snooze said...

Yippeeeee!!! A new school year! Man - I'm sad I won't be around to see it all in person :(

Glad to see Derek is still rockin those poses though. I hope that continues into adulthood.

Ali said...

When did Carissa get so tall and so GORGEOUS!!! Derek - love the poses. Grayson - Love the cheese factor.

What stinkin' cute kids!!!!!

momsteed said...

Yea, Carissa and Derek! Back to school! Thanks for putting these darling pictures online,Sara. We wish we were there! You both look so special for the first day of school. And how cool is that to be able to walk to school? We love you!