Monday, February 9, 2009

Stoves are in!

Dad got to spend quality time in the attic today, fighting claustrophobia and winning! And here is the closet in the brown bedroom with the fuse box wires exposed from the inside. Dad had to drop a huge wire down through a slot and into this area, behind the drywall.

And, luckily, Jimmy and friends were available to move the ovens! Yea!

That is not someone taking a rest-----this was supposed to be the opposite view from the closet picture, with everything piled on the bed.

Self portrait-----my job is painting today, and I'm lovin' it! Serenity now!

The stove movers----all they want is cookies.

Voila! The stoves in their proper place. Looks much more impressive in person.


Keri Ann said...

Hi Ai, this is Keri. I just wanted to let you know that you won my giveaway for the free photoshoot! Just email wehenever you are ready and we can book it.
(it can be for whenever you are ready)