Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Catch the Fever



Fajah Steed said...

Oh yeah, Nobody expected this. There is orange and black everywhere up north. Question is: Will the team that looked, at times, like the worst team in modern baseball show up or will the team that made that great run at the end show up? Let's play ball and see!

Sara said...

Lee would like to register his protest here at the blog over the use of a classic Journey song for Giants propaganda.
Also- if you want a really good laugh, be sure to You Tube the live Journey version of "Dont Stop". I think we should rename "Mom Jeans" to "Journey Jeans".

Erin said...

The best team in modern baseball showed up tonight. It was Bye Bye Baby! I only hope that I get to see Steve Perry sing at the game tomorrow in his Journey Jeans.