Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pismo Beach in January

Yes, it really was beach weather. Shorts, swim suits and playing on the beach were the order of the day. Sara, Lee and family, The Bartons and Kerry and Shanna decided that Jan. 4 - 8 looked good for a little camping just down the street from Susie, Tyler and Caleb's house. This was a week that reminded all of us why we live in California. We had the beach mostly to ourselves and enjoyed warm sunny weather every day. We rode bikes, walked, saw the Elephant Seals, stayed up late and got up whenever the kids decided that it was time to get up!

Sand Castles

Carissa in her "Steed-wear"

What is it about jumping off sand dunes? All ages love it. Grayson demos the correct technique.

We had glorious sunsets.


Life in camp around the Bradford tent trailer is always fun.

I had to "pinkie swear" not to show anyone the secret entrance to Derek's hideout. He is up in the lookout tree.

Caleb has the fastest and most efficient crab-crawl that I have ever seen!

While the others are off to the beach I am headed for all the private schools that I could find between Paso Robles and Orcutt. I worked a day and one half.

Running on the beach !?*

Tyler introduced us to two new campfire activites. First, we learned (but didn't do very well at) the number game "Big Booty." Then he told us about "woffums" and Scott made woffum toasters out of pieces of dowling about two inches long attached to 1/8th inch wire. We wrapped canned biscuit dough over the end of the dowl and roasted it over the hot coals. Then we filled the middle of our woffum with butter, jam, cream, pudding, sugar and cinnamon. The name is well earned - we woffed 'em as quickly as they were baked! They were the hit of the week along with the Barton's new over-the-fire popcorn popper.

Everybody except Kerry and Shanna left on Saturday so we retreated to Susie and Tyler's. We had a wonderful time on Saturday and took care of Caleb so S and T could go out Saturday night. We attended Pismo Beach Ward on Sunday (good, strong Ward!) and were treated to one of Susie's specialty dinners on Sunday night. We made the drive home on Monday just in time for a special appointment on Tuesday.


Ali said...

Looks like SO MUCH fun. I wish we could have been there to enjoy the beautiful weather. Maybe Derek will show me his secret spot sometime? What a great trip!

Mireille said...

How FUN! We wish we could have been there too. Pismo Beach looks beautiful, we'll definitely have to come out and visit.

Snooze said...

What a fun week..and AWESOME weather. I only wish I hadn't felt like CRAP the majority of the time. Oh well!

Harris Family said...

oh warm cali- sounds like a road trip is in order. My family knows a family in Pismo beach named the Vincents- are they in your ward??!! Im not sure how small pismo beach area is ...if so my maiden name is smith and ray and debbie are my parents....
anyway-great to see warm pics I feel warmer already:)