Sunday, December 23, 2007

Congratulations Kirk & Carrie!!!

Well, this is the best news of Christmas!!!   Kirk and Carrie are engaged!!  I am so excited and happy for both of you!  Kirk, you are so fortunate to have found such an incredible, amazing girl - Carrie is a rare and precious gem, and we all love her!  I could never have dreamed up a more awesome girl, or a more perfect match for my wonderful brother.  It is plainly evident - to anyone who has seen you together - that you belong with one another. 
Congratulations on your engagement.  

"My density has brought me to you...."  (George McFly)


Ali said...

Kirk and Carrie are couple of the year!! I'm so excited I can't believe it!! Congrats guys! (Let the Carrie/Kerry Steed jokes begin!)

Sara said...

Kirk, we love you almost as much as we love Carrie! (j/k, lol) Let the party planning begin!